Life’s full of good when you look for it

For their first Australian campaign in more than a decade, LG wanted to get Aussie’s to Rediscover Good – the good that LG products bring to your life, and the good in the little moments of everyday.

To show how the products are integral in the home, we used the sounds that they make, along with everyday noise to create the soundtrack for the ads. This is supported by the split-screen film technique, allowing us to really focus in on the little everyday moments while reflecting the pace and bedlam of life.

There are two sets of creative, one featuring LG’s Home Appliance range, and one featuring their Home Entertainment range of products.

As a freelance team, Kat and I worked on this job from briefing right up to the point of campaign approval including ideaton, concept development, script writing and storyboarding. Our contract ended when the job went into production, at which point it was taken over by Nathan Bilton, Jermaine Rowe and Nathan Moore.

CREATIVE TEAM Emma Frizzell + Kat Topp
AGENCY The Works